Monday 27 February 2012

Stelarc - The Walking Head

Machine, Existing, Alternatively

Ai Weiwei - Stickin' it to the Man

Human, Rising, Darkness

Louise Bourgeois - Couple

Lovers, Dominating, Pink

Nature's Finest

At the start of last year I snowboarded in Japan for a month and I have never seen anything more beautiful in nature than the view on a clear day from the peak of Niseko. Being with mates made it the most amazing trip ever but the sheer size and force of nature mixed with its elegance as well as the memories this place created for me makes this photo so very special.

Frank Lloyd Wright's

Arguably one of the worlds most recognisable and well known pieces of architecture is Frank Lloyd Wright's "Fallingwater House". My Dad is a builder and Frank has been a massive influence on his work; there are numerous elements of his innovation spread around my own house and in the designs of numerous homes which my Dad has created. This building will always be something which pushed me towards doing this course, not to mention the countless hours worth of Frank Lloyd Wright DVD's which I was shown years ago which drove me insane then but which I admire now!

My Own

This is a tattoo I designed for myself over a two year period and finally put ink to skin about a 15 months ago. It is my play on a hybrid of modern stereotypical and traditional ancient Japanese Samurai surrounded by heavy wind and wild waves while standing firm for attack. The tattoo serves as a constant reminder of traditional Samurai  morals and ethics which I hold in great esteem and hope to always live by such as loyalty, resilience, obedience, dedication, trust and love.