Friday 15 June 2012

EXP 3: In The End

This has been quite a journey for me and I'm sure many of my new class mates! I would like to thank Narelle for putting up with my lack of work in class on this assessment and I hope what I have put up is to a satisfactory level; with the time I've had I truly hope its enough :). I have faced many a battle with this task but have enjoyed it the most out of the three assessments we have completed and believe this is moving towards some of the work I am happier with though I am still not personally 100% on the end result. It was a lesson in precision, polish and timing and I am looking forward to expanding in leaps and bounds on this work.

Cheers and enjoy the break!

Tuesday 29 May 2012

EXP 3: FileFont Link and Google Warehouse Uploads

FileFont Link:

Google Warehouse Link: Google Warehouse wont let me upload I will try my to get my brother to upload asap there must be a problem with the page because I cant search or log in either.

EXP 3: Student Marking Schedules

I didn't recieve any grading off my fellow students because I had done barely any of the assessable work at that time due to dramas in other Arch Comp classes though I was most definatly in class! Anders Huxtable and Josh Nicholson had a look at my work to see where I was headed, saw the potential but couldn't mark anything!

EXP 3: 3 Movement Textures Applied to Model & The Companies Shared Table

Below are the three movement textures I have chosen to be expressed on my SU model, please zoom to see up close :)


Facebook and the wires they rely on provide continuous connection to the world.


The elevator of the bridge adjoins the two companies and moves the two in a linear way.


Everyone moves through hallways as quick as they can!

Below is the shared dining table that the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Muhtar Kent would share a meal and a beer while discussing world domination! It is based on traditional, long, royal style with a modern twist. Simple but effective for portraying power with a counterlever and lots of tension throughout.

The table stands alone.

The table in the scene.

The table from a reverse angle.

EXP 3: 36 Textures and Words of Movement

Below are my 36 custom textures which relate to movement. 6 words have been selected, 3 picked and 3 conjured by myself and each have 6 textures that express the word. 3 will be picked to add to my headquarters in CryEngine.







EXP 3: Final SU Model in CryEngine & Power Comments

In this post I am presenting my chosen images of my bridge as well as their power comments. Images with my 3 chosen movement materials will be found in later posts. The first post presents the final product from the front facade.

 This view highlights the major aspects of the bridge. You can see the valley is joined end-to-eng and the entrance is situated at the centre of the building and connects to the ground floor for access on all levels. The new aspects of the design such us the coke bottles to the right and cabling to the left are seen. This large building symbolises the power and extensive grip these two companies have on the world.

From this angle the powerful eagle can be seen with its wings spread out. The connectevity and worldwide presence of Facebook is seen with large cabling penetrating the valley walls while many Coke bubbles fizzle away on the right for the head honchos of the company to work away at keeping the publics interest in Coke burning bright. This eagle cannot be seen as frail or showing signs of weakness and stands firm like Coke and Facebook in the eyes of billions.

For me this is the most powerful image that I could take, especially with this godly illumination that I wanted. As I explained earlier these companies are seen as gods in the corporate world and in the eyes of average people. Billions of people turn to the new religion that is Facebook on a minute-by-minute basis while millions more enjoy the flavours of Coke from its original soda drink to the many companies it now possesses. There is a god.

One of the only reverse shots I was really happy with as the bridge sits firmly in the valley. This shot has a bit of Bladerunner in it for me, a sense of future and domination as well as utility and wealth, I suppose all the things these companies strive for. This sense of expansion and domination of the land is what these companies are all about with the constant bombardment they put before us as a couple of the most powerful companies on earth.

EXP 3: Two Point Perspectives, Power Words & SU Model

Below are my remaining 9 perspective drawings. These H-shaped drawings are drawn from a two-point perspective. Each drawing is accompanied with its relative power word as well as an SU model to indicate a different view point for the diagrams.




EXP 3: Draft SU Headquarters in CryEngine

I have provided a few images of my draft and initial ideas for this project. The key for me is the thought of these companies as religious icons that everyone looks up to and utilises as well as the massive power symbolised through the eagle in American culture and the design plays on that. This is expressed through the cross shape the building makes as well as the eagle shape it creates when looking at it from eye-level.

 The building as it sits in my CryEngine Irish Valley. There will be a lot of glass in the end design but no where near as over the top as seen in this image. You can also see the glass elevator and meeting space in the centre of the building.

This SU view highlights the glass chamber that will transport people of importance from every one of the 5 levels. I chose 5 levels tp symmbolise peoples hands and important hands are for both companies.

From this angle you can see the distinct eagle shape that the bridge creates between the to hills that sit in the valley. The eagle is a great American and worldwide symbol of power and I think this pushes the notion of power massively.

Here the bridge is shown in SU from the reverse angle of the above few images. It displays the layering and varying sizes of each levels as well as the meeting place and hints of the the cross that I spoke of.

From an aerial view you can see the overall shape of the building which is a cross. The meeting space sits in the centre of the building with the long part of the cross bridging the valley while the shorter section of the cross sits at the Facebook end of the building. Further layout plans can be seen below.

 As it stands I am satisfied with the overall concept but this will change. At the long end of the cross I plan on adding small bubble areas as work spaces to smbolise Cokes bubbly texture, advertising and appeal. Furthermore, connections through wires will be made into the mountains and the earth through the short end of the cross, the Facebooks end, to symbolise Facebooks connection to the world. Finally, the mutual meeting space and table will be completed with a futuristice but elegant approach taken which will combine the power and future success of the companies.

EXP 3: My CryEngine Irish Valley

I decided on replicating the Irish Valley as best I could with the original for my first screen shot to highlight my ability of being able to replicate the scene. After a couple of hours and lots of fiddling I came up with the below as a result.

Please CLICK to zoom in

This next image was used to indicate where my model would sit in the scene to show it is to scale. The building is 100m long at the base and peaks at approx 150m at the top and is 110m wide at the cross intersection. Please bare in mind this was very early on and the model is a rough draft for scale puropses.

Please CLICK to zoom in

Further into the process I'm sure there will be some editing in the scene but I will point any changes out :)

EXP 3: Irish Valley

Although not born in Ireland I am of Irish decent and I have chosen to base my CryEngine model on this fanastic valley. I believe the peaks of the valley and the awesome backdrop will make a nice spot for the new Coca-Cola and Facebook headquarters.

Donegal Valley is worthy of a castle so it will be worthy of Facebook and Coke!

EXP 3: One Point Perspectives, Power Words & SU Model

Below are 9 of my 18 assessable perspective drawings (the rest are found in my two-point perspective post). Each shape is drawn from an eye level, above and below in one-point perspective with their respective power words displayed. Each H-shape persceptive is accompanied with a SU version highlighting the three different views requested.




EXP 3: Power Article Mash-Up

Facebook sees politics as a two-way street. It has hosted congressional leaders and their aides at its Washington office and its Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters. In the same year, it hosted so-called Young Guns from House GOP leadership as well as President Barack Obama, and streamed the events live on its site. “We’re committed to explaining how our service works, the important actions we take to protect the more than 900 million people who use our service and the value of innovation to our economy,” said Joel Kaplan, the head of Facebook’s Washington office. “We’ve made it one of our priorities to ensure that resources are in place to demonstrate our leadership on these issues.” In the run up to the 2004 election, the George W. Bush presidential campaign received more than $380,000 from the Coca-Cola company and its affiliates. That "investment" of influence seems to be paying off nicely for Coca-Cola today as the Bush Administration is going to bat for the American company which is under fire in India for the pesticide content of its products. In this campaign, the goal of U.S. trade authorities under the Bush Administration is to force India to reinstate the selling of Coca-Cola products to its people, regardless of the pesticide content. The basis for this demand is not founded in science, but rather politics: The products are safe because we say they are! 

EXP 3: Company Choices

As part of EXP:3 I have decided that the two companies I have chosen to base my model on are Facebook and Coca-Cola.

Coke is one of the most recognisable countries worldwide

Facebook continues to breakdown communication barriers around the world

Sunday 6 May 2012

Experiment II - The Necessary Links

Below are my links to my Sketch Up model as well as my zipped Levels folder for the CryEngine aspect of the task. Enjoy!

Sketch Up:


Experiment II - The Final 5... Well, 7!

In reaching the final stages we have been asked to present five images with our textures in our custom made environment. I couldn't pick five but promise there won't be too much writing! Enjoy!

For my first image I wanted to set the monument in the theme, space! It is surrounded by a steep valley, mountains, tall and short trees as well as cliff like ridges and grassy knolls with a lake to boot!

Sneaking up on the monument we can see how it sits, entrenched in the valley surrounded by woodlands as sits in its space waiting for people to see what it beholds.

This is the view from the gathering space after one would walk up the valley from the lake and too the monument. This related to my concept of SPACE by allowing a focus on the monument with a drab platform. It also shows how the monument relates to the SPACE around it by expressing shadows from both nature on the monument and the monument onto nature!

This image highlights the porous and weightless nature of the monument which combine to make my Electroliquid Aggregation concept of SPACE come to life. The height and the porous nature of the building allow for attention to be turned to the environment filling structural frames with external SPACE!

The image presented highlights the connection of the monument with its surrounds and how it sits in the valley and ridges that surround it. You will notice how the cliffs and grass butt up against the architecture, invading the monuments personal SPACE while the building becomes one with the nature in which its sit, filling the SPACE nature provided.

This image also provides images of the destruction of SPACE and the connection made with nature and the monument. By having an open floor plan and denying the monument of striking features one is forced to look out and beyond the architecture to find a new SPACE. A place where light and dark, dry and wet, early and late, soft and hard, tall and short become the focus point through the constant frames provided.

With the rising of the moon and the display of more subtle shadow lines the monument changes again for people to enjoy a new SPACE to sit in and contemplate. I chose not to light the monument because I believed the moon and the stars would present enough to invite people to frame a new SPACE.

Experiment II - Sketch Up Model With Textures

I have decided on my texture plan for my model after taking the environment, the model and external research into consideration. The model and reasonings in terms of my Electroliquid Aggregation concept can be found below.

Medium: I chose the medium texture for my floor and staircase as I believe in terms of space in this piece it is the median between open and closed environments as well as areas of viewing in the monument. It is also an area heavily influenced by light and shadow and acts as a balance for the elements to dance upon.

Light: The light portions of the monument were faces visible from ground level while walking around the monument. I chose this because it is an element of space that is most commonly seen and too easily recognised. As a result these areas fail to exercise the mind resulting in people looking beyond it to spaces outside, spaces framed by the monument.

Dark: These areas of the monument highlight the dark spaces surrounding the building and areas unseen from ground level. I chose to do this because it is space that is unknown or unseen with light and different views only shining light on it. This aspect in particular is influenced by the video I posted previously with new spaces available to see if you're willing to look!