Sunday 6 May 2012

Experiment II - Sketch Up Model With Textures

I have decided on my texture plan for my model after taking the environment, the model and external research into consideration. The model and reasonings in terms of my Electroliquid Aggregation concept can be found below.

Medium: I chose the medium texture for my floor and staircase as I believe in terms of space in this piece it is the median between open and closed environments as well as areas of viewing in the monument. It is also an area heavily influenced by light and shadow and acts as a balance for the elements to dance upon.

Light: The light portions of the monument were faces visible from ground level while walking around the monument. I chose this because it is an element of space that is most commonly seen and too easily recognised. As a result these areas fail to exercise the mind resulting in people looking beyond it to spaces outside, spaces framed by the monument.

Dark: These areas of the monument highlight the dark spaces surrounding the building and areas unseen from ground level. I chose to do this because it is space that is unknown or unseen with light and different views only shining light on it. This aspect in particular is influenced by the video I posted previously with new spaces available to see if you're willing to look!

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