Wednesday 2 May 2012

Experiment II - Sketch Up Image, A Brush With CryEngine & Things To Rectify!

Our second objective of Experiment II was to pick one of out axonometrics and create it in Google Sketch Up. The design I chose was my DILLER AND SCOFIDION design - POROCITY which is located in my previous post. The design in Google Sketch Up is as follows:

The second aspect of this objective was to get in touch with a new piece of software for use, CryEngine 3. After getting off to a shakey start and delving deep into the banks of YouTube and services provided by the lovely ARCH1101 staff I created my first landcape and found the setting for my monument. The images of my first attempt at CryEngine is seen below:

I decided on setting my monument in a valley overlooking a lake which is surrounded by trees and mountains. I soon discovered that my monument would be too small and decided to re-evaluate over the next task to rectify this problem.

The monument looked better on a different angle and with afternoon light settings though I was still not happy with the size of my monument. I also knew there was more to be done in terms of integrating the monument to the landscape as well as editing the landscape further though I was happy to get the ball rolling and take my first baby steps in terms of understanding the technology and the task ahead.

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