Tuesday 29 May 2012

EXP 3: Draft SU Headquarters in CryEngine

I have provided a few images of my draft and initial ideas for this project. The key for me is the thought of these companies as religious icons that everyone looks up to and utilises as well as the massive power symbolised through the eagle in American culture and the design plays on that. This is expressed through the cross shape the building makes as well as the eagle shape it creates when looking at it from eye-level.

 The building as it sits in my CryEngine Irish Valley. There will be a lot of glass in the end design but no where near as over the top as seen in this image. You can also see the glass elevator and meeting space in the centre of the building.

This SU view highlights the glass chamber that will transport people of importance from every one of the 5 levels. I chose 5 levels tp symmbolise peoples hands and important hands are for both companies.

From this angle you can see the distinct eagle shape that the bridge creates between the to hills that sit in the valley. The eagle is a great American and worldwide symbol of power and I think this pushes the notion of power massively.

Here the bridge is shown in SU from the reverse angle of the above few images. It displays the layering and varying sizes of each levels as well as the meeting place and hints of the the cross that I spoke of.

From an aerial view you can see the overall shape of the building which is a cross. The meeting space sits in the centre of the building with the long part of the cross bridging the valley while the shorter section of the cross sits at the Facebook end of the building. Further layout plans can be seen below.

 As it stands I am satisfied with the overall concept but this will change. At the long end of the cross I plan on adding small bubble areas as work spaces to smbolise Cokes bubbly texture, advertising and appeal. Furthermore, connections through wires will be made into the mountains and the earth through the short end of the cross, the Facebooks end, to symbolise Facebooks connection to the world. Finally, the mutual meeting space and table will be completed with a futuristice but elegant approach taken which will combine the power and future success of the companies.

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