Thursday 3 May 2012

Experiment II - Sketch Up Of Monument and Electroliquid Aggregation Concept

I mentioned in my previous post that I didn't pick any of the parallel projections I drew to be my final monument. In the end I decided I would create a monument from the designs I created for FRE OTTO - WEIGHTLESS and DILLER & SCOFIDIOS - POROCITY. This choice came about after reading into the Electroliquid Aggregation concept and the fellow student and myself would have with it! The monument I came up with on Sketch Up is double the size of my original Sketch Up image and both aspects of the amalgamation have been edited as to blend the two together to make up my Electroliquid Aggregation - SPACE. A meeting area has also been included and materials will be visible in my next post where my CryEngine scene and monument will look slightly different!

After talking to my tutor Narelle I came up with my Electroliquid Aggregation concept quote. This quote will guide the piece moving forward and has resulted in many a change to my landscape, images will be available in my next post. The quote is as follows:

"For both weightlessness and porosity to exist there is one vital component needed to create such effects, space."

This is my new, larger, more open, spaceous design. The ground level of the model is the POROCITY aspect consiting of boxes and openings where the landscape will be framed for visitors to enjoy. The large aspect of the monument is the WEIGHTLESS design with tall beams holding long spans with more beams jutting off to create a weightless and open feel allowing for more interesting shadowns and framing for the sky and terrain such as mountains and trees. Overall this will create a more open feel and bring the landscape in.

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