Thursday 3 May 2012

Experiment II - Placing New Monument Into Edited Terrain

With some editing of my monument I added materials to the Sketch Up design. For WEIGHTLESS I decided to add an aluminium based metal to compliment the sandstone I chose for the POROCITY aspect of the monument. The gathering balcony/meeting point, as well as the stairs and slab that runs throughout the monument would consist of a scored concrete to compliment both materials.

In terms of my evironment I really picked up the sides of the valley so that the rear and sides of the architecture to almost encase the monument leaving it feeling like only the front side open. My reasoning for this was to allow peeks through the spaces from inside the monument so that at every angle a completely different view would be seen whether it be a stone cliff face, a grassy knoll, the ocean, the lake, the sky or the surrounding trees. I believe this gives the impression that space is not merely free, rather it can be filled with an array of things and be percieved differently in different lights.

Above is the front view of my monument. It highlights the new concrete staircase, the front viewing balcony/meeting point where the view can be observed without anything in the way, and finally the monument where every view is different given the space. From this view you can see the raised sides and gully/valley like effect with the mountains in the background and glimpses of the sky. Although simple I think this design is effective as my idea of a monument is a basic layout with deeper meaning designed to make pause, think and contemplate without feeling inferior as part of the architecture. I am particularly fond of Eduarda Chillida's "Comb of the Winds" in San Sebastian and took influence from the piece.

This shot is taken from behind the monument amongst the valleys cliffs. I chose this shot because it shows off the floor plan of the monument and many of the "peep holes" and openings that are available for framing at every angle and the space that is created. I also like how the environment hugs up against the manmade elements, butting up against the walls showing the space isn't always just yours! It also highlights the numerous aspects visible for framing through the monument such as the sky, the lake, the hills and trees etc.

I can't help but think my environment and maybe even my monuments materials will change once again! I am thinking a river and waterfall like surrounds that will flow into the lake which will grow to the sea allowing for an even more spectacular space for the monument to frame. But until the final submission and advancements, enjoy!

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