Tuesday 29 May 2012

EXP 3: Power Article Mash-Up

Facebook sees politics as a two-way street. It has hosted congressional leaders and their aides at its Washington office and its Menlo Park, Calif., headquarters. In the same year, it hosted so-called Young Guns from House GOP leadership as well as President Barack Obama, and streamed the events live on its site. “We’re committed to explaining how our service works, the important actions we take to protect the more than 900 million people who use our service and the value of innovation to our economy,” said Joel Kaplan, the head of Facebook’s Washington office. “We’ve made it one of our priorities to ensure that resources are in place to demonstrate our leadership on these issues.” In the run up to the 2004 election, the George W. Bush presidential campaign received more than $380,000 from the Coca-Cola company and its affiliates. That "investment" of influence seems to be paying off nicely for Coca-Cola today as the Bush Administration is going to bat for the American company which is under fire in India for the pesticide content of its products. In this campaign, the goal of U.S. trade authorities under the Bush Administration is to force India to reinstate the selling of Coca-Cola products to its people, regardless of the pesticide content. The basis for this demand is not founded in science, but rather politics: The products are safe because we say they are! 

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