Saturday 24 March 2012

Ai WeiWei's Stairs in 3D and Androids for Scale!

This is the view of the underside of Ai WeiWei's staircase. It highlights the changing lengths of the stairs as well as the ribbon like shape that the plates on alternative sides of the stairs creates.

This is the same staircase from a top/side view. Again it indicates the visible space and free flowing nature of the staits as well as how the counterlever is used.

This image displays the stairs connection to the building though I was at a halfway point with the model. The stairs will be encased in a jagged wall as originally planned. The image is also a sneak peek of a few changes I made to the original 3D image of Ai WeiWei's level! In later posts the materials will also be added to show the stair in full swing!

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