Saturday 24 March 2012

Stelarc's Stairs and Androids for Scale!

Above is a side shot of the staircase that will be used to access Stelarc's workspace. It highlights the shape of the staircase, the side profile in particular as well as the angles used to create the shape of the top, side and underside of each tread.

This is the top view of the staircase and focuses on the spiral aspect of the piece as well as highlighting the effect the manipulating of each tread has on the staircase. I believe it creates a strange futuristic feel while maining its functionality.

This image displays the stairs climb up to the building as well as a scale model to indicate the size of the staircase. This will not be the final product but what I came up with during the week. Materials will vary on the staircase as explained previously, and a new idea will come into fruition with a futuristic shuttle type room to be added to the adjoining gallery for an even more spaced out experience! Also another sneak peek of some improvements to the Stelarc level!

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